Friday, September 1, 2017

Moving table into a different Replicat Thread

      Move Table A from replicat thread Rep1 to new replicat Rep2

1. Edit the parameter file Rep1 and exclude the table from the parameter file

ggsci> stop replicat rep1
3. Check the Replicat position in the trial files
4. Start the replicat rep1
6,  Alter the newly created replicat rep2 to the position recording in positon 3
7. Start the replicat rep2
ggsci> start the Replicat

2. Stop the Replicat

Ggsci> info replicat rep1
Record : trail file number and sequence number

ggsci> Start replicat rep1
5. Add the new replicat
add replicat rep2, exttrial <> ,checkpointtable <>
Add the required table Table A to the replicat parameter file

ggsci> alter replicat rep1,extseqno <> , extrba <>